
2003-04-18 01:32 | 小薇儿



1.Potion x 2 = Potion HP回复180
2.Potion + Hi-Potion = Water of Life 施加Regen状态
3.Potion + Ether = X-Potion HP全回复
4.Potion + Elixir = Elixir HP/MP全回复
5.Potion + Phoenix Down = Resurrection 满HP复活
6.Potion + Maiden's Kiss = Maiden's Kiss 解除青蛙并补充少许HP
7.Potion + Holy Water = Potion HP回复180
8.Potion + Turtle Shell = Ether MP回复160
9.Potion + Antidote = Neutralize 解毒并补充少许HP
10.Potion + Eye Drops = Cure Blind 复明并补充少许HP
11.Potion + Dragon Fang = Dragon Power 等级提升20
12.Potion + Dark Matter = Dark Potion 伤害HP666点

13.Hi-Potion x 2 = Hi-Potion HP回复1800
14.Hi-Potion + Ether = Half Elixir MP全回复
15.Hi-Potion + Elixir = Elixir HP/MP全回复
16.Hi-Potion + Phoenix Down = Resurrection 满HP复活
17.Hi-Potion + Maiden's Kiss = Maiden's Kiss 解除青蛙并补充少许HP
18.Hi-Potion + Holy Water = Hi-Potion HP回复1800
19.Hi-Potion + Turtle Shell = Ether Dry MP回复320
20.Hi-Potion + Antidote = Neutralize 解毒并补充少许HP
21.Hi-Potion + Eye Drops = Cure Blind 复明并补充少许HP
22.Hi-Potion + Dragon Fang = Dragon Power 等级提升20
23.Hi-Potion + Dark Matter = Dark Potion 伤害HP666点

24.Ether x 2 = Ether MP回复160
25.Ether + Elixir = Elixir HP/MP全回复
26.Ether + Phoenix Down = Reincarnation 满HP满MP复活
27.Ether + Maiden's Kiss = Lilith's Kiss 吸取MP
28.Ether + Holy Water = Ether MP回复160
29.Ether + Turtle Shell = X-Potion HP全回复
30.Ether + Antidote = Resist Poison 无效化毒系伤害
31.Ether + Eye Drops = Resist Fire 无效化火系伤害
32.Ether + Dragon Fang = Dragon Shield 防御火、冰、雷系伤害
33.Ether + Dark Matter = Dark Ether MP降低75%

34.Elixir x 2 = Elixir HP/MP全回复
35.Elixir + Phoenix Down = Reincarnation 满HP满MP复活
36.Elixir + Maiden's Kiss = Lilith's Kiss 吸取MP
37.Elixir + Holy Water = Elixir HP/MP全回复
38.Elixir + Turtle Shell = Failure 施加HP-Down状态
39.Elixir + Antidote = Elixir HP/MP全回复
40.Elixir + Eye Drops = Elixir HP/MP全回复
41.Elixir + Dragon Fang = Giant Drink HP上限x2
42.Elixir + Dark Matter = Dark Elixir HP和MP削减到个位数

43.Phoenix Down x 2 = Phoenix Down 复活
44.Phoenix Down + Maiden's Kiss = Kiss of Life 半HP满MP复活
45.Phoenix Down + Holy Water = Life Shield 无效化即死攻击
46.Phoenix Down + Turtle Shell = Panacea 异常状态全解除
47.Phoenix Down + Antidote = Resist Ice 无效化冰系伤害
48.Phoenix Down + Eye Drops = Resist Thunder 无效化雷系伤害
49.Phoenix Down + Dragon Fang = Dragon Armor 物理与魔法防御力上升
50.Phoenix Down + Dark Matter = Death Potion 即死攻击

51.Maiden's Kiss x 2 = Maiden's Kiss 解除青蛙并补充少许HP
52.Maiden's Kiss + Holy Water = Kiss of Blessing 施加Berserk/Haste/Image状态
53.Maiden's Kiss + Turtle Shell = Drain Kiss 吸取HP
54.Maiden's Kiss + Antidote = Levitate 施加Float状态
55.Maiden's Kiss + Eye Drops = Lamia's Kiss 施加Charm状态
56.Maiden's Kiss + Dragon Fang = Dragon's Kiss 作用不明
57.Maiden's Kiss + Dark Matter = Toad's Kiss 施加Toad状态

58.Holy Water x 2 = Holy Water 解除僵尸状态
59.Holy Water + Turtle Shell = Bacchus Wine 施加Berserk状态
60.Holy Water + Antidote = Samson Power 等级提升10
61.Holy Water + Eye Drops = Elemental Power 元素魔法威力提升50%
62.Holy Water + Dragon Fang = Holy Breath 圣属性攻击,伤害为当前HP
63.Holy Water + Dark Matter = Failure 施加Poison状态

64.Turtle Shell x 2 = Protect Drink 施加Safe状态
65.Turtle Shell + Antidote = Split Shell 物理防御减低50%
66.Turtle Shell + Eye Drops = Haste Drink 施加Haste状态
67.Turtle Shell + Dragon Fang = Failure 施加Slip/Charm状态
68.Turtle Shell + Dark Matter = Explosive 自爆

69.Antidote x 2 = Antidote 解毒
70.Antidote + Eye Drops = Restorative 暂时恢复异常状态直至战斗结束
71.Antidote + Dragon Fang = Poison Breath 大面积毒系攻击
72.Antidote + Dark Matter = Poison 施加Poison状态

73.Eye Drops x 2 = Eye Drops 复明
74.Eye Drops + Dragon Fang = Dark Sigh 施加Darkness/Charm状态
75.Eye Drops + Dark Matter = Dark Gas 施加Darkness状态

76.Dragon Fang x 2 = Dragon Breath 三元素属性攻击,伤害为当前HP
77.Dragon Fang + Dark Matter = Dark Breath 暗系攻击,伤害为当前HP与最大HP差值

78.Dark Matter x 2 = Shadow Flare 无属性攻击

Selphie: Blow this place to Smithereens!