
2007-11-05 11:32 | 凋零のMithra

译自英文版: Breaking News

Mysterious portals known as "cavernous maws" will appear in various locations around present-day Vana'diel.
被称为虫洞(蛀洞? 原文cavernous maws)的神秘通道将会出现在"现在"的Vana'diel的各个地方.

These portals can be used as gateways between the present and the past. There will be no cost to use the maws.
通过这些通道可以往返于"过去"和"现在". 使用通道是不需要任何消耗的.

It is well known that gil didn't become the common currency of Vana'diel until after the Crystal War.
众所周知, 在水晶战争以前gil并非Vana'diel的通用货币.

However, 20 years ago, the movement to bring gil to Quon and Mindartia had already begun.
不过, 20年前, 让gil流入Quon和Mindartia大陆的事实就已经开始了.

Therefore, adventurers will be able to use gil when they travel to the past and not have to worry about using the old currency.
即是说, 冒险者们到达"过去"仍可以使用gil而不需要为使用旧币操心. (换句话说: 想通过捷径获得旧币门都没有)

While Mog Houses and delivery services will be available in the past, auction houses and many of the town vendors will not be.
虽然Mog屋和邮递服务在"过去"也可以使用, 拍卖行和城内的大部分贩售(在"过去")并不存在.


Dancers have three basic types of moves:

"Dances" are used to heal party members.

"Steps" are used to enfeeble targets.

"Flourishes" are used in conjunction with Steps to deal various special effects.

Since these abilities all require TP, dancers will be required to move to the front lines and engage in melee battle with enemies.
所有这些技能都需要使用TP, 所以舞者需要在前线同敌人近身作战.

There are also dances which put enemies into a "daze", allowing other party members enganged with the target to drain its HP, etc.
有些舞蹈可以让敌人进入"混乱"状态, 使同其战斗的其它队伍成员可以吸取HP等等.


Scholars can use both basic black and white magic, as well as white and black magic spells specific to the job.
学者可以使用基本的黑白魔法, 以及它们所特有的黑白法术.

While not a magic specialist, scholars use their many specialized abilities to maximize the effects of the spells they wield.
虽然并非精通魔法的职业, 但学者们可以使用各种"专注"技能来强化它们所使用的法术的效果.

While effective as a main job, scholar is also an ideal support job for mages.
不止是作为主职, 学者也是一个对于魔法师职业来说想当不错的副职.

Other Info

1. The macro pallet will be expanded to 4000 buttons!
1. 宏面板将会扩展到具有4000个按钮! (是现在的20倍!?)

2. Gobbiebag capacity will be increased to 70 items!
2. Gobbiebag的容量上限增加到70!

3. Players will be able to invite people to their Mog Houses!
3. 玩家可以邀请别人进自己的Mog屋! (这个功能等多少年了... )

4. During the final Einherjar battle, the only way to evade "His" special attack is to kneel and "pray".
4. 在最终的Einherjar战, 回避"他"的特殊攻击的唯一方式是"下跪求饶"(!?)