
2001-12-01 22:49 | quale



1. Beoulve家族

在英文版中,“Brave Story”里的人物简介比较混乱,尤其是Beoulve家族的背景介绍,例如:

(1)Ramza的介绍:“The youngest of the Beoulve siblings.”实际上应该翻译成“The youngest Beoulve brother”,因为Ramza并不是Balbanes最小的儿子,而不是最小的孩子(最小的孩子是Alma)

(2)Alma的介绍:“Comes from a different mother than her second brother”应为“Born from a different mother than her eldest and second eldest brother”(指Dycedarg和Zalbag)


〉另外一点,在英文版的“Brave Story”中没有提及“Ruglia”(Ramza,Alma的母亲,Ramza第二章曾用Ruglia来做姓)的情况。
〉在日文原版中,Ramza被称为“mekake no ko”,意思是“Child of a mistress”(这里mistress取“情妇”之意)。英文版中被改为“bastard”,个人认为容易产生歧义。


FFT英文版翻译者可能是特意去避开“best friends”这个最能恰当描述Ramza与Delita之间的关系的词吧,游戏中竟只出现了一次!

(1)Delita:If you're going, so am I. We're buddies, right?(buddies改为best friends)
(2)Algus:...You see, Ramza, we nobles can't live with them.
Ramza:Lies!He's my good friend. We're like brothers!
(既然是"like brothers",为什么不说“my BEST friend”而要说“my GOOD friend”呢?)
(3)Ramza:I'm Ramza Beoulve. This is Delita, a GOOD FRIEND.(改法一样)

(4)Algus在Fort Zeakden说:“Just being used?You've even been using your "best friend", Delita!”这里就用对了。


(5)Balmafula(教会派来监视Delita的女人):You even use your friends.(“Friends”改成“best friends”只是举手之劳,但是大家有没有想到,她刚刚和Delita见面怎么会知道Ramza是Delita最要好的朋友呢?(即使她知道Ramza是“The Beoulves' youngest son”)那么...也就是说,Delita无论什么时候(即是他跟Ramza分道扬镳后)都是视Ramza为最要好的朋友的!Delita~~~~!!!!T_T


游戏中当在编成画面,光标指向角色名时按下“Select”键,就会有一些有用的技巧(Ramza:Always check active turn, it's a short cut to victory!)或是反映出角色性格的话(Alma:I love the era I was born in. And I truly love Ivalice!)当然,Delita也有:

Delita:Tell me when you're hurt. I'll cure it with a 'SPELL'.


Delita:Ramza, tell me anytime you're hurt. Ill cure it with a 'WISH'.



4.Holy Knight

在英文版中,Zalbag,Delita,Agrias都称作“Holy Knight”。但是在日版中,Zalbag和Delita是“Seikishi”,而Agrias则是“Holy Knight”。这是我的解释:

〉Holy Knight是一种职业(Agrias和Delita(第二章开始))


另外一点,雷神西多的职业在英文版中为“Holy swordsman”,日版中为“剑圣”,应翻译为“Sword Master”,这里翻译人员把“圣”的意思搞错了,“圣”可翻译为"Master",也可为"Holy"。

5.Your Little Brother/Seikishi


Dycedarg: Do anything to capture Ovelia. The same goes for Agrias and the others. Kill them!

Gafgarion: What about Ramza?

Dycedarg: He's a disgrace to the name Beoulve, and he's in our way. I left him alone because I thought he'd learn how harsh the real world is. I never thought he was that dense.

Gafgarion: Did his strong sense of justice come from his father?

Dycedarg: My father spoiled him. If he obeys orders, fine. If he resists, we have no choice...

Gafgarion: It's hard to believe his own brother said that. Sickening.

Gafgarion: But what if the Cardinal gets in our way? With the church supporting him, even the Prince couldn't do anything easily.

Dycedarg: I've already prepared for that. There's no need to worry.

Gafgarion: So that's that? The more I know, the worse you appear.

Dycedarg: If that's how you feel, then you'd best watch your tongue. Don't forget your head can be easily cut off.

Gafgarion: Hey, stop that. I'm your loyal servant. Remember I'm not stubborn like your little brother.

留意最后一句,其中“Your little brother”像是再说Ramza,实际上日版是这样的(翻译成英文):

Gafgarion: Hey, stop that. I'm your loyal servant. I'm not hard-headed like that seikishi. Don't forget that.


Oh, please. Warping the minds of men and shepherding the masses has
always been your Church's domain. You lure sheep with empty miracles and
a dead God. ...Or perhaps you, too, are a sheep, Samantha. A poor little
lamb, bleating for your faith as though it were milk of the poppy. Yet
mark your savior well, for he is one of the demons you so fear, Samantha. --Sydney Losstarot